Ernie McIntyre – Letter 49


Dear Everybody,

Well here we are again, & I have got my marching orders, orders which came in the shape of a telegram from Weymouth.  Very brief they are, simply, “Report Weymouth fore-with”.  I had been getting rather uneasy about not hearing from there, & ultimately wrote them to the effect that I had had my medical board, & was waiting orders from there, asking me to report, & I was pursuing the proper course.  The result, was a telegram by return mail.  I immediately journeyed to London & purchased the last little essentials, & visited the record office to hand in my change of address & collect any mail there was.  Amongst the mail was a letter addressed to Capt. McIntyre, from Weymouth.  I opened it & it proved to be for me, & it was over a week old.  It was to the effect that my name was on the list to go with a draft that was leaving in a few days time.  Hence, I suppose, the prompt reply by telegram to my letter.  It is now Thurs evening & I fully expect to be off on Sat. or Sund. sometime.  I will make arrangements about my pay as I previously wrote you, when I go to town tomorrow.  I got a letter from Lottie in the office to night, & I must say that I think her heart is

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a good bit larger than that of the smallest insect.  In regard to photos I spoke of, I am going to ask Mrs Hooper to send them all to you, & you will have to send them out to the various members of the family.  Sorry I can not send them direct, but, they are not to be had just yet, & I hope you all understand.  Well now I am leaving London by train going at 2 o’clock, P.M. & it arrives Weymouth some time.  Oh! I am going to send G Menzies a telegram asking him to meet me at the station, if he possibly can.  I am afraid if I leave as soon as I think I am, I will not see very much of him.  However Lottie, please convey my kindest regards to Mollie & Mrs Menzie, & let them know that I am often thinking of them.  Now you will please, all do the same to anyone who might be kind enough to inquire after this creature.  In case you do not get another line from me before I reach the trenches I will say Aurêvoir.  Oh! don’t forget to send note-paper & envelopes with your letters.

Your Affectionate

In great haste

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