Xmas Day [25/12/1916]
A little further en route than on the previous occasion of writing. Have had some Duff so do not feel so bad. It is quite the quietest Xmas I ever spent only a few of us here. I have not been lucky enough to be in the doings of the last two or three days. As luck would have it they were short of horses when I joined up with the 10th C.M.R. so when the move came off I had to ride an Officers spare. This however proved to be only for a short while as after tea about seven o’clock I was ordered to hand over horse & take myself & belongings back to this place & guard some stuff along with about ten more. By this time you will have read of what has happened during the last few days. I can assure you I was disappointed being turned back thus late in the day. Today some of the boys we left behind ten days ago arrived & went out to the new position. The only
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if one can call it such, is that there is absolutely nothing to do. However I suppose they will still be plenty to do even when I do catch up again. There is one thing about it out here that is that the weather is always fine so it is only the cold at night one has to guard against even that is not so bad until it comes to standing to about five in the morning. Your Xmas Day will be over by this time & I expect you will all be having a day out at the Regatta which I hope will be as enjoyable & well attended as usual. I hope letters have been arriving all safe however I will call this number one from the field so you will know how they go after receiving this. Cannot think of anything more of any interest at present will write again first opportunity. Hoping one and all are enjoying the best of health & believe I am doing the same Affect. Your Brother Charlie