Charlie McIntyre – Letter 50

Port Said

Dear Folk.

I kept the other letter I wrote a few days ago back for a few days expecting to add some more but found that I had closed it up when I went back to it so as I have a few more photos will write afresh in order to save bulk.  Since writing last I have had a good many hours and long walks as well as talks with Kirk.  I have been glad indeed to see him down in these parts, as he has been in the rest camp just alongside here you can imagine how easy it has been to make arrangements for a meet.  Today we did a thing we had not hitherto thought of in the matter of having our photographs taken the results you will have in due course.  He was genuinely sorry to hear

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of Ernie’s death, I let him have Kate’s letter to read & he has taken several extracts from it tonight, some of the passages you know as well as I, are beautiful.  The last word he has had of his sister was from England she was then still on the Marama.  Kirk is now Veterinary Sergeant for his company in the Camel Corps & he certainly deserves his stripes.  When we landed in Egypt he knew no more about them than I did but through hard work and a study of them since has worked him self up until he has become proficient in the art of treating them & his work has brought its reward.  All good things come in a heap I received today a very fine mail, five letters in all, three from home 9/7/17 to 22/7/17 & one from you Lottie 16/9/17.  Therein I find that you have received my letters of May stating that I was in hospital certainly I thought you would have had word or I should have sent some myself.

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Perhaps a little about my condition will relieve you but you will please not let it worry you as I have had the opportunity of seeing that my case is one that is to be nipped in the bud so far as possible & that I have certainly tried to do.  On going to scale this month I find that I am just a pound or two over two stone lighter than when I landed in Egypt but as I was then over fourteen stone (I put on some weight on the voyage out) I am not such a great deal below my normal weight in N.Z.  I am this time just a stone lighter than in May so you see that I have just lost a stone each time which when summed up is to be expected.  Now however I am feeling good again but lately I have thought that last time I persuaded myself I was fit when not so much so as I might have been.  Especially now that the weather has cooled off I am sure there will be a big improvement.  Am dropping a cable when I get

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back to duty.  What real hard cases the new neighbours appear to be I can imagine the sport you must have at times (not much sport when the horses visit) from the tone of your letters they must be a happy family.  What of the other chap I am afraid when you put two & two together he must be what the Gypo’s call (magnoon) that is slightly off.  The whistle has gone for lights out so must to bed “Good night & pleasant dreams”.  24/9/17 Here I am again this afternoon taking it easy went out to the station and saw Kirk & the rest of the boys off back to the work in hand.  There is not a pleasant outlook for the next twenty four hours the trip is an awful one I hope day will soon come when you will hear other than by letter of our doings out here.  This morning I received a letter from George from hospital in England he

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has had Dysentery but he says he is better & is going out convalescent which is a good thing.  From the way he writes he is to have some furlough & intends going up to Scotland.  It will be good for him if it comes off.  All is going on much the same as usual now that all the boys have gone back the town seems quite empty but I expect another batch will arrive ere many days so it will be much the same as before.  No doubt you will wonder how I come to be getting so many photos all at once, well the chap that I get them from has been in hospital & has been with me all along since coming to Aotea so there it is in a nut-shell.  George was also saying that Bert Foster was where he is awaiting to leave for N.Z.  What hard luck for them that both him & he should have such bad health.  Wal. George said when he last saw him was fine.

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It struck me that you have never seen a photo of Kirk so I am enclosing one I have as I have two I should have sent it before as I got it when we went back from leave last Sept I suppose you will be saying Jessie that it is just twelve months this week since you took me to Auckland. “Mon Nieu” how time flies & yet it seems longer than it is.  Now I think I must stop this or I may go on for ever.  I will be on the look out for the shortbread hope it does not go so far as the last tin, but as our parcels are delayed much longer than letters it may not come along for a week or two.  Will stop hoping that the weather has improved & all are in the best of health

[Written at top of Page 1]

Did not need to look twice to recognize N.Z. fern Lottie never see anything equal to our ferns & shrubs out here.  It kept beautifully lost none of it colours.  Sorry hear Andrew has had such a bad time Tom will be having a trying with with both on the sicklist.  Kind regards to all.  Ch.

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