Dear May,
Have found my Coy. again feeling very much better after my holiday. I have been back two days [?] things are pretty quiet & for the meantime I think our push is about finished but of course we never know. Anyhow I am cabling today to say that the Wside boys are all well. Chris Millar got wounded about the face
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but I believe it is only slight the rest of the us have been lucky. Both Collinses, Dick Hume & Maher were right through it & escaped injury. Alexander was left back with reserves & I think I told you Billy Hume is working the Hosp. Bill Millar was in the first few days of the stunt & was then sent to England on leave. I believe C. Hurley will be about here but have
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not heard anything about him yet but at any rate I don’t expect he will be in the line. I enclose the reg. receipt for a book I posted to you from London, although if the boat goes down I don’t suppose the receipt will be any good. It is a book on Egypt, one of the most reliable there is, but I don’t know that it will make very interesting reading for any one who has not been there.
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Re that Gore group taken in Egypt that I sent you a damaged neg. of, I will give you the names of those in it. From Left to right Standing: W. Millar, Sid Pearce, Jack Lyall, Albert B, Milton Green, Bill O’Kane, D. McDougall. Kneeling:- Charlie Sheed, Corp Shelton, Jim McKenzie, A Hargest. Sitting:- A.L.S, J. Adams, Charlie Arthur, Joe Kelleher, W. Belsham. There may be others on the right but that is as far as my print goes.
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Have just landed a mail including No 28 from Mother written from Kaka Point. I hope the trip put her alright, furthermore I hope she is not worrying about me because I’m doing alright & for the last few weeks I’ve been having the softest time of my life. When I’m kicking my heels up & having a good time I often wish I could let you know. I suppose you keep worrying away all the time.
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I am enclosing a p.c. of Mable Hopkins – possibly you have one already. Elsie says she is sending those two or 3 pieces of Doulton in separate pcls so that some of them should get through. I think this is all the news this time
Love From