Dear May,
I have got a little bit of rather unusual news this time. A little while back a 1st Lieut of the Durham Light Infy landed in camp and one night in the Red X hut he stuck me up & asked me where I came from. Then he told me was born in N.Z. & mentioned the names of several of the old identities of Gore & In’gill. That was as far as we got when we were interrupted. On New Years Eve I was talking to another chap out of our Coy. when the officer blew along & asked him what part of Otago he came from & when he said Catlins he asked him if he knew Allen the P.M. at Owaka. Of course I had to chip in then & was rather amazed when he said
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“Mrs Allen is my sister”. My mate knew Owaka & Balclutha well & we had quite a long talk about the early days. Mr Proctor knew Grandfather well & used to play with the young Hopes of that period, & of course was surprised when I told him who I was. He seems to have been away for a long time, he was in the S. African war & has been out here with a Tommy Regt for a good long time. He looks well, & of course wished to be remembered to you all. I think this is about the only bit of news as it is not long since I wrote to you. The ground is still white with frozen snow & the place is as bleak as ever. However I expect to go up the line again anytime as I feel pretty fit but I seem to feel the cold more than I did last winter, especially in my feet.
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Since I came to this camp I have sent you several parcels & hope you receive them alright. There were 3 lots of p.c’s, a pkt of mother of pearl things etc, & a pkt addressed to Rodie with a couple of little souvenirs in it, five pkts altogether not including the few p.c’s I’ve sent with letters. Have had no mail since I last wrote but expect it any day now & hope to hear that you received the p.c’s & ring I posted about 5 months ago. I wish the postal service was a bit more reliable. That seems to be about all at present.
With Love
I think I told you that Dorrie recd your letter & has sent you her photo.