Len Shepard – Letter 85


Dear May,

Have just landed a bundle of N.Z. mail including No 43, 44 & 45 & another one written between 44 & 45, – also the duff, and likewise a 5 lb tin of shortbread from Wendon.  Everything was in good order & perfectly fresh & we have had some regular banquets.  Now we are looking forward to the arrival of the honey parcel.  I got a tin of honey sometime ago either from Mother or Averil & have not tasted any since.  The snaps of Xmas, & In’gill arrived safely & I have already told you that Ruth’s photo & the YMCA coupons got here.  I am sorry to hear that you have all been on sick parade, but as that was two months ago I expect you will all have recovered before now.  I was sorry to hear of Herbert Craig’s death but was not surprised as I had seen his name in the Casualty lists but didn’t know for certain that it was he.  Jack Forbes was lucky to get home.  He was in England

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for a long time taking part in sports.  I met him out here once when we were out of the trenches but next time I inquired for him he had gone to Hosp. & a bit later I was surprised to hear he had retd to N.Z.  I am glad to hear Doug Collins is keeping well.  It seems no time since we were knocking about together, behind [censored].  That stripe he told you about still exists, & is as solitary as ever.  I was always determined not to have any thing to do with them as it often means getting separated from our mates but after [censored] most of my cobbers had been smacked & the others had a stripe up so in a weak moment I yielded to the temptation & am now a full-blown Lance-corporal & all.  After the [censored] my name was on the list for another stripe but I left before it came through so that as far as I know my name would be scratched off.  Mark was on the same list and as he managed to hang on for a few days longer he got his 2nd stripe.  As for the address it doesn’t make much difference as my letters come alright.

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Mother asked about the waterbottle that got hit but it is lying somewhere near [censored] now.  If I had known I might have got it out with me but I have long ago given up carrying souvenirs while a stunt is on.  Once a thing is useless it is dumped.  Even if we carry them out we can’t send them away & at that time I had no idea I would be in Hosp. in a few days.  If I sent home all my gear that has been damaged by rifle & shell fire you’d have enough to start a museum, or a second hand shop.  I notice mother says it is a wonder I’ve escaped the fever so long but I’d been in Hosp. a month with it when she wrote that, but I have told you all about it before.  I don’t know why I was not reported sick – evidently they don’t cable cases of sickness unless they go to England.  I see they are making a lot of the little bit of leave that a few were lucky enough to get after [censored].  This sort of talk is cheap, especially

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in the newspapers.  According to Malcolm Ross’s way of reasoning I got leave very freely, I had a whole ten days running.  Just fancy, I only did 4 days work in the fortnight – the rest of the 2 1/2 years doesn’t matter I had leave “very freely” during that fortnight.  Surely there is sufficient news of the division & its doings, without them putting so much rot about it in the papers.  I fail to see why Ross ever came out here, for he could have written just as accurate accounts of the affairs here if he had stayed in N.Z., but I’ve already wasted enough paper on the subject so had better leave it alone.  Had a letter from Dorrie this week & she says that Bert McMullan (Uncle C’s stepson I think) had called on them & was now in France, but I am not likely to come across him for a while.  I have never met Vernon yet.  I have his Reinft address but no No, but I might drop him a line on spec.  Young Sinclair who used to drive the butcher’s cart round Muddy way is here just now.  Dick Hume & Whistler have both gone out Active.  Mark is still here & yesterday he landed a pcl of those little biscuits with almonds on top.  They were “all-the-ways” & had kept well & I can tell you we gave them a rough handling.  I think this is all

Love from

[Written at the top of Page 3]

P.S.  Had a letter from Mabel today she has been ill for about 9 weeks & is to go into Hosp. soon for an operation.

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