The Coulter Hosp
Grosvenor Sq.
Dear May
Have landed Blighty at last, & what is more I think I’ve struck one of the best Hosp’s. The only unfortunate thing is that I’m not bad enough to stay here long. I’d never have got across if there had been a war on. As you probably know they are demobilizing the Hosp men during the Armistice & I think
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that on the strength of my service they packed me across here with that end in view, so that it is quite possible that I may get away in a month or so, of course nothing is certain at this game. At present I am in bed but it is only a matter of form for the first couple of days, after that I’ll be able to get out from 10 to 12 & from 1 to 4 & as we are quite near the centre of the
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city I will have a good look round. Coming across the Channel we had a terribly rough time & I was sick all the way. It took us 3 hours to get to Dover, but it was worth it. You don’t know what a relief it was to think that I’d left France behind for ever. Well there is no news this time except that I am feeling quite well
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& I hope they haven’t sent you any word to the effect that I am otherwise. I am just a trifle worn out but we have often felt a good deal worse & still carried on in fact if the war was on I should never have left the line. Here comes my little V.A.D. with my afternoon tea so we’ll make this do.
With Love to All