Jan 30th
Dear May,
Have just landed a few N.Z. letters that have been somewhat astray. There is one ea. from Mother & you written on 17th & 27th Oct., also several snaps. Am glad to hear that the little bro arrived safely & that you like it. About that old pay book & coins I can’t quite understand how they came to be in an envelope. I shifted camp the end of Aug & the night before packed
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these few things & got the parson to censor them. He told me to tie them up & leave the parcel in his hut & that was the last I saw of them. They were in a small tin then, the consignment consisting of 7 coins & the remnant of my old pay book that was blown up that time in Armentieres. I’m not sure whether I sent an accompanying letter or not as were feeling fairly hostile just at that time & had little chance of writing.
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As you say they were post-marked Aug 30th they didn’t get very far before somebody’s curiosity got the better of him. I think I told you that the Xmas cake from Mother arrived a few days ago & I’ve since heard that the pcl of fruit has also arrived in the best condition. Evidently they were part of 1000 tons that was held up. Well I am feeling “tres bon” again now & am
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kicking around in my blues. A couple of days ago I got into a party to go to Windsor Castle & had a good time. There was about 4 ins of snow on the ground but that didn’t matter. We spent two hours there & were shown all over the castle & entertained at afternoon tea by Royalty. Princess Alice acting hostess on behalf of their Majesties. It was some stunt, believe me. I will send my invitation card
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which Alice was kind enough to Autograph for me. They also gave us a 1d p.c. of the castle which I’ll send with some others. So far have not been able to get more in London. Alice is very nice. She poured out tea for us & in fact was so sociable that it was some time before we knew it was she. One “digger” with characteristic irreverence held out his cup a second time & said “fill her up again Mrs Publichouse”. Of course he thought she was one of the servants, however she enjoyed the joke, but not half as much as we did when we discovered who she was. Later when we were in the courtyard she appeared some distance away & was promptly bombarded with snowballs. She looked around & laughed & then grabbed hold of her skirts & went for her life. I was sorry Mary & the old people were out as I rather wanted to see
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her, especially since I received your suggestion that I should bring you home a sister-in-law. I thought about offering the job to Alice but decided that one Alice is enough for any family. Why didn’t you speak sooner & I’d have got you a nice mademoiselle or perhaps a buxom old frau. Anyhow I am sorry to hear that Bert has got the skiaticas bad. Hope he is alright again now. I am just a bit doubtful about the climate down that way myself & often wonder if there isn’t a little town up North where there is plenty of sunshine & pretty girls. During the past week or so have sent you two small lots of p.c’s – one of Huy etc. & the other local views Weybridge, Oatlands etc. also 2 Nos of the Chronicles. I suppose they will get there alright now. Well I don’t think there is any more. I know nothing yet of my movements but might be sent out on leave any day. Remember me to any of the old sports that you see.
With Love from