New Zealand
Dear Mary
I am sending you a cutting from the Wellington Sat’s “Evening Post”, it gives a further account of the tragedy. I thought it may be a little different to what you will get down there as it comes from the papers Sydney correspondent. Where it mentions the Blacks appeared at the mission with spears on Oct. 2nd would probably mean 22nd Oct. I saw the photo of Bob and Kate with Ian in last weeks “Press.” it also gave some account of the affair and Bob’s previous History, but, it wasn’t all quite correct. You can keep those receipts until I come down. Hunter Bros. must have paid the money for the turnips which I sold McBean if you said the amount was for about £40. I have a pretty good opportunity of seeing the newspapers up here: I am always in Palmerston on Sat.s afternoon and always go to the Public Library. the latest Otago Witness is always in by Sat. and I see the Southland Times also. Your affect Bro. Jack Hall