John Hall – Letter 3

Reserve Section
N. Z. M. C
Oct. 21st 1917

Dear Fergie
I got your letter alright about a fortnight ago and I was pleased to hear from you, you didn’t do so bad at all. My pipes arrived in Palmerston on Thursday I went in to town yesterday and brought them back with me; they are quite sound and undamaged in any way ‘thanks’ to the one who packed them: they were a long time in he coming 17 days; I hope your father didn’t go to much trouble inquiring about them. I am glad to have my light boots too, the ones we get to wear here are pretty clumsey looking, although, they are comfortable on the feet.  So you are saving up to buy the bike I think it would be a bit heavy for you to push along; would it not anyway, we will see about it when I come down: I don’t know when I will be down, but, it won’t be for a good while yet; my section the 33rds left here yesterday for Featherston where

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they will stay for about a month to receive their Hospital training; I understand they go for their final leave from there before coming back here. So I am here still being kept back to play in the band I have been posted to the ‘reserves’ in the meantime.  How do you like your new teacher? (Miss Taylor) is she the only teacher you have or is Miss King there still? did the children give Miss Rose any present when she left? I hope your colds are all better again before this; I have been troubled a good deal with colds since I came to camp but I am alright just now.  Do you still work for D.C. in your spare time I suppose D.C. will be busy with the farm work just now: what sort of a fellow is Pat Sheky is he very Irish? it seems a rather uncommon name. Well Fergie I will have to stop now, tell Ivy or Violet to be sure and write soon remember me to Tommy I wonder does Olive remember me, love to all.  from Uncle Jack

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