John Hall – Letter 6

Awapuni Military Camp

Jan. 6th 1918

Dear Mary

I arrived back here safe and sound yesterday evening most of the chaps came back yesterday there are some who didn’t get across on the boat from Lyttleton there were a terrible lot of people travelling who didn’t get aboard the boat, I didn’t think that I was going to get on myself for a while. I had to go without a berth; as it was I managed to get stretched out on one of the seats on deck and that was just about as good to me as a bunk would be. I find the country about here somewhat dryed up since I left so far as I can learn the only wet day they have had up this way during the holidays was New Year’s day. I believe it was pretty rough down south also on N.Y. day while it was pretty warm at Clyde.

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You will have heard all about our trip up Otago Central by this time. I think Chssis enjoyed it very much and Mac. will have something to talk about in the way of wheat crops etc.  I stayed with T.K.D. on Thurs. night. Mrs. T.K. had stayed behind at Ross Hill her mother being ill. They are living in a very stylish house in Oamaru a five roomed bungalow with two or three small rooms at the back, tile roof and plastered walls. just built when they took possession. Tom says he has it under offer to him at £700. with section about 1/4 acre he will need to keep in with his father in law now until he has made the deal.
Well, I went round to Tonkins with Mr. Tonkin “he being caretaker of the Defence Office” was round there when

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I went along with T.K. they both seem to be both keeping well in their old age. I was just making to come away when they received another letter from Kate it was written on Dec. 8th it didn’t contain very much except that they were keeping well and expected to be leaving Normanton for Brisbane in about a week’s time. They had received two other letters however since the last piece we saw in the paper but they had sent them on to other members of the family.  Kate says by these letters that she will not get over to N.Z. before April or even later. as she has to go up to Townsville to attend the trial of the “murderer” and that the assizes are not being held there until sometime during March. She says

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that when the police had gone over to arrest the black fellow (Peter) he was in possession of the Island; it seems that his ambition was to become King of Mornington Island, when the other blacks saw that he had murdered Bob they set up a wailing and ran about lacerating their legs and crying “what did you kill the missionary for?” and “Peter” from the mission station “who was one of the two blacks who accompanied Bob on his tours” was about to spear the other Peter when “he” (the murderer) having Bob’s gun threatened to shoot them if they interfered with him. Bob had been sleeping in a tent apart from the other two black fellows who accompanied him on the tour. Mr. Paull one of Bob’s former assistants has gone over to Mornington Is. to take charge of the mission. This is all the particulars. Good bye Your affect. Bro. Jack

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Kate’s Address
c/o Presbyterian Church Offices
Creek Street

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