13th May 1917

Announcement Date: 13/05/1917

“You will have seen by the papers that Jacko had carried out air raids on our hospitals up at the front.  Three nights they came over & dropped bombs purposely on the hospitals.  I was unlucky enough to be there for two of them & I don’t mind admitting that I never want to go through the same experience again.  When one is out in the field these things are expected & prepared for but there one is practically helpless.”

“The first bomb dropped just alongside the tent I was in but we escaped very luckily one man being killed outright the only casualty in the tent although the tent was pierced in dozens of places with both shrapnel & machine gun bullet holes.  The Australians just beside us fared worse a bomb landing fair in the middle of a big marquee killing several & wounding more.  They must have dropped all of thirty bombs & was hovering round using his guns for it must have been the best part of an hour & was so low I believe had one had the energy a stone would easily have reached them.”

Charlie McIntyre – Letter 40 – 27th Gen. Hospital, Cairo.
Read full letter here.

27th General Hospital Cairo, Unknown photographer, 1914-1918, PH-ALB-380, Auckland War Memorial Museum 

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