John Hall – Letter 23

Somewhere in France
Sunday. Oct. 13th 1918

Dear Mary

My N.Z. Mail has just arrived here today including your two letters of July 21st & Aug. 4th resp. there are also letters from Nellie, Mag. & Aggie. I think that I told you before that this mail had come to hand at Ewshott about the same day as we left there, so it has taken a fortnight longer to reach me.

[Page 2]

It is a pity that my letters have been so long in reaching you but, I suppose the mails are not picked up so often on the Suez route, you should get the letters quicker by the English-American route, so you have had your snow etc, when you wrote on July 21st but, by all accounts you hadn’t got it so bad as they did further north.  Not too much talk of eggs & brown scones please however, dont be afraid that we are not being well fed us N.Z.s fair much better than do the Tommies in that respect. I do hope to goodness that you dont have to sell out your home in Glenham, it would seem awfully absurd after building such a fine house; surely Alex will try and avoid anything of that sort.  Your affect. brother Jack.

[The following is written at the top of page 1]

I think I forgot to No. last two letters will No. this 9. If you send me parcel try & send me some ink tablets for fountain pen.  Jim Thompson left last Thursday for Engl’d & N.Z. he just got a letter from Shaw the day before & how fortunate & what a relief to hear that Shaw is alright.

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