John Hall – Letter 34

Sling Camp
21st June 1919

Dear Mary.

Received your letter of April 20th two days ago and am now writing to say that I expect to be leaving for N.Z. early next month; my name is on the list for the “Port Hacking” she has been put back to July 4th now, and there is no telling if she will get away then it is seldom they leave to time-table and there is also a possibility of me not getting away with her for they shift men about so much in the army that one never knows for certain what is ahead of him; any way , if you get this letter before I arrive you can look out for my name by that boat.  I was trying to get some more leave, but no chance now, I dont think it be long now before this country is clear [of] New Zealanders; they have been getting off pretty fast lately, saw Edward Rabbidge he says he is going home by this boat also.

Your Bro.
[John] Hall

