Miss L McIntyre
Dear Everybody,
Here we are at the wharfe Well & we have had a perfect run up the coast; hardly a man sick & the horses eating like lions & none the worse so far. It has been fine all the time untill we got alongside here, which was about 4 o’clock, since then it has simply poured not cold though, just a nice warm downpour. I sent a wire to Myers just after we arrived telling her that we had arrived safely & to come alongside, & now if they do it is so dark the chances are ten to one I will not see them. I would not be a bit surprised if both Kate & Jess are in Wellington too & if they are I will not be able to see them, because there is absolutely no leave to any man. We have just called in here for water & are, I believe off again as soon as we have watered up, that I presume will be about 9 0’clock Friday morn. Our quarters are right on the upper deck, well away from the horses, & right amongst a goodly supply of fresh air, which is a blessing indeed. The cabin is a two berth one, not too much room, but ample under the circumstances. The meals are all that could be desired, could not be better; we lunch with the ships Officers, so I think that should be sufficient proof. Au revoir. E.S.McI. to be sent on
[The following is written under the address]
We got this yesterday (Monday). No word from Jess so far unless in the morning.