These are the photos of the officers of the Otago Mtd. Rifls. Regt. including those that came with the 1st reinforcements. The photo was taken on the verandah of the house in which we have our mess. Mr & Mrs Anthony, the civilians on either side of Colonel Bauchop are the owners of the house. The names of officers are from left to right.
Backrow. No1. 1st Lieut Smith, 2nd Lieut Strang, x 1st Lieut McCurdy, x 2nd Lieut Hargest 2nd Lieut Patterson
No2. x Capt. Paddon 1st Lieut Twiselton, Capt. King Chaplain 1st Lieut Mitchell, 2nd Lieut Scott 2nd Lieut Millard x 2nd Lieut Alley, Capt. Hay.
No3. Capt. Grenfell, 1st Liet Ferguson, Capt. Cowie, 2nd Lieut Finalyson 2nd Lieut Howie, Capt Howard, x 1st Lieut Perry, x 2nd Lieut McIntyre 2nd Lieut Watson, 2nd Mitchell, x 2nd Lieut McKay
No4. Capt. Buchannan, x Major McKenzie, Major Nutsford Mrs. Anthony, Col. Bauchop, Mr Anthony, Capt. Glendinning Major Gregor, Major Orbell.
Men marked x belong to 7th Squdn.
I want you to post one of these to Orepuki, 1 to Auckland, 1 to Greytown, 1 to Dunedin 1 to Cornation & have for home. E.S. McI.