16th May 1915

Announcement Date: 16/05/1915

“I do not know whether you are getting the true state of things stated to you in the papers or not, but should the Allies be claiming overwhelming victories or stating that the Dards are already in their possession, they are stating absolutely what is untrue.  According to reports here there has been no harder task ever been set troops in this war or any other than has been set our lads over here, & I think the “roll of honour” list & list of casualties will prove that.”

“When I tell you the Otago infantry battalion is now practically non existent it will give you some idea of what is doing.  I think I told you before that they were set a very formidable task on the Sunday night, & that on the Monday at a muster parade, out of 1000 men only 320 answered roll call, well that was absolutely correct.”

“What the N.Z. Public will think & say when they get the casualty list I dare not think, but I hope it will shoot home to some of those young fellows who are eligible & should be here, the very grave situation in which we are placed & the necessity for keeping this force up to its full fighting strength, by enlisting & give themselves freely towards doing their little bit to keep the old flag flying.”

Ernie McIntyre – Letter 27 – Alexandria, Egypt.
Read full letter here.

Unknown photographer. (1915) Gallipoli – Soldiers by graves. Auckland War Memorial Museum call no. D531.T9 G169 p.36

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