Charlie McIntyre – Letter 28

The Same Place

Dear People

It is close upon the time for another mail for NZ to go out so will just drop a few lines to say that all is well in this part at present.  Since writing last a number have gone forward in fact quite the greater part of us however I along with five others remain here for perhaps another week or two may be not so long.  Along with the boys that went away a few days ago went Kirkpatrick it was peculiar the way we got separated.  All of us that are together yet had made up our minds to volunteer for the camel corps but as he was out by himself as it were in charge of another tent he put in an application on his own account. In the mean time we all thought just to let it run on & see how things were going & of course he was accepted with the result that he went away & the rest of us remain.  Since writing a few horses have come our way so we just saddle & bridle them & ride away to work now instead of having to tramp the sands.  A day with them does not seem nearly so long as it does on foot.  Had a letter from Lin Foster yesterday he is away up country where we will all be later on you will be

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able to get from the papers where I mean.  He seems to be in good form & reckons there is nothing doing though may be reports out there are otherwise.  It was funny he had written & warned me not to have anything to do with the camels if I could avoid them & the day the letter arrived the other boys left to join that corps.  Have not yet been out on leave so can not say what I think of Ismailia but had a ride past it yesterday and some parts of it seem to be rather decent while others are beyond the pale.  Some of us had made up our minds to go out today but missed the bus as regards leave so had to stay home.  Have had two lots of papers one was posted to Featherston & dated 2nd Oct the others which I got first were dated I think somewhere round about the 11th Oct.  Brown from down our way had some also & in them I saw results of Dunedin Races also weights for Gore & the nominations for Winton.  From what I saw there can see something doing in racing circle Eh!  I daresay by this time the work will be getting well on to the end for the year, at least I hope so, while here our work has yet to start.  Have seen quite a number of Tommies here & really they are taking them as a whole a long way behind the NZ’s & A physically but all seem quite decent fellows.

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As for the Australians they are undoubtedly a wild lot I do’nt think I ever told you what they say about this part of the world at anyrate here it is & if any asks what it is like just say what an A would say & be done with it.  They say of it there is miles & miles of B___ all.  Have had several games of football since coming here & have not yet play a losing game so you see we are keeping up our reputation as well as keeping fit.  Only wish I could get a good game on grass here if one makes a kick at the ball he invariably makes a cloud of sand & the ball goes out of sight for a few minutes & next time it is seen someone has kicked it down the other end of the field.  News such as it is has run out so I will have to bring this to a close and soon make myself comfortable in bed.  The most abominable thing here I think is the shreik of the train whistle.  The drivers never seem to get tired of using them and at all hours they are to be heard.  Hoping all are in the best of health.

Your Affectionate Brother

P. S. When I said there was only the few of us left I meant that it was just the Southland boys there is quite a number of the Reinf. left here yet.  It is hard luck for Brown though he goes from amongst us on his own tomorrow.

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