Charlie McIntyre – Letter 39

N. Z. Mtd Brigade

Dear People

Just a few lines to let you know I am still roaming around this quarter.  Things have been very lively here-abouts for the past couple of weeks.  For some time at least there will be trench warfare and our lines are getting longer every day practically.  Things will hum along when we get old Jacko on the move again.  There have been a few very hot days lately although that cannot be said of his morning it was cold enough for anything especially turning out at three in the morning.  During this last big affair I was left behind again so missed all the hard work, bombs, shells, etc, that were flying around for a day or two.  From all accounts the air was full of deadly missiles & in some instances the horses must have suffered but again our Brigade was lucky in comparison with others.  I have had a few days with Kirk lately he came up to have some work done at the dentists and put in his spare time with the Regiment.  As it happened this affair came off before he left so he battle round found a horse & went out

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with the rest of them & was out about a week altogether he must have been up nearly a fortnight.  He reckoned he had a great time & is trying to get transferred I believe he will manage it to as I believe from this end it is through.  Whether the O.C. Camel Corps will let him out is another matter.  I also saw Bob Hamilton the other day he is with the Australians in our division and he looks well after having been right through.  There is absolutely nothing that I can write about at present.  I had the bad luck to come out to Brigade again the day the mail was due at the old camp so have not yet received my little lot.  Have not heard from Ern for quite a long time now.  I daresay the NZ’s will have taken part in the big advances on the Western front.  I hope to be able to write more next time this is hardly worth posting but it will let you know I am well hoping it finds you all the same.

Your Affect Brother

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