Charlie McIntyre – Letter 45


My Dear Brothers and Sisters

I received today your cable of sixth telling me of Ernie’s death.  Although in a manner always prepared to hear the worst it came as a shock to learn that he had been taken.  I cannot express my feelings but they are as your own, not unmixed, proud to know that he died at duty’s call but filled with sorrow and regret that he was called upon to make the sacrifice.  We must hope and trust that he was not called upon to bear much suffering and look anxiously for further tidings.  It is not hard to realize the gap that has been made in our family but bear it as cheerfully as possible at

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such a time as this our little troubles are as trifles only.  However I think you all will bear it bravely though sadly.  I cannot write any more at present except to say that I received a long looked for mail a few days ago just four two from home one from each of Coronation and Lottie so I am expecting some more.  As for myself I am keeping well & looking forward to the weather cooling off a little in a very short time.  Hoping you are all the same when this reaches you.

Ever Your Affect. Brother

P.S. Will write more fully in a few days.  Also sending cable to say I received yours.  Ch.

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