Dear People
Will send these as they are all I have in the shape of cards for Xmas. I will write a letter during the next day or two and get it away & perhaps be able to give some more details of operations out here at the present time. So far we have not heard anything definite other than the capture of Beersheba. The good news that Gaza has fallen has just come through & what that means you can well judge. Of course that which we all want to know is still to come but we believe our casualties are considerably light & let us sincerely hope they are. For some days it will be matter for discussion & one will be pestered
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with the wildest rumours immaginable in fact they will already be under way. However now that the fight for which we have been preparing for has at last come off & the issue an undreamed of success it is highly gratifying. In the meantime I expect to be on the way back to my unit any day & will be disappointed if not away before the beginning of next week. Of course a good deal depends on the result of operations what number shall go & how many will be required for different units. I am expecting some letters tonight as there is a N.Z. mail floating about some already having received a fair share. Will stop for the present hoping this finds all enjoying the good things the Season brings & accept the heartiest Greetings from
Your Brother