Dear People
There is not much happening that is of an interesting character, come day go day & the are all the same to us. The festive season is over for another year so we can settle down to work again. Like Xmas our New Year was wet & boisterous although only a couple of days saw it all over where as we had it for four at Xmas time. My goodness you should see the mud about here it is something awful knee deep on the hard going, there is not a good soakage for water after a few inches under the surface once the top is taken off the rest is like concrete. I received a couple of nights ago the remainder of Sept mail & have had some more light thrown on several of the things that have happened about that time but as Oct letters have still to come to hand there is a lot that I want to know. Surely things have been happening with great rapidity around the district about that time. I was pleased to learn that Tom has not had to come away because it has saved a good many complications had it been otherwise. It is good to hear that things are looking so well at home the seasons down there seem to have changed altogether & work in every direction seems to be well advanced. It was hard luck for the new man in
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Marshal’s place getting burned out so soon surely things have gone to blazes down there lately, & it is no wonder that there is something about. You were asking if Kirkpatrick had joined us, so far he has not as I have said in some of my previous that you will receive. Just what is happening with them just now I don’t know not having dropped across any of them since I met one of them in Jaffa. Lottie did not have very long at home it is strange how things like that happen. I am wondering if she got away on the Hospital boat as you said both were there at the same time it would be fine for her if she did I imagine there would be a good deal more comfort. I am more than pleased to know that Kate’s letter relative to Ernie has arrived all safe I had mine the last night I was in hospital as I told you before. Of Kate I have not had any word since a few days before Xmas. I also have a letter from each of Eileen & Rolly & enjoy them very much must write you one some of these days. Glad to hear you are all getting on so well & I hope you, Norman have been successful at examinations. It is gratifying to know that some of the parcels have arrived safely & I think the rest will as I have already explained the delay with regard to them they must by this time be in your hands. I don’t remember if I said it was a young fellow Douglas a brother to the one that has a
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section on Ermadale, that took the watch etc back. Your letters Jessie & Jean of Sept are also to hand you seem to have had a great time with Douglas he must be a fine boy by now. I think judging from your letters that you should try Southland again for fine weather your theatre does not sound very good. I happen to meet Geordy the other day at the Canteen he is looking well again and is now in the Ambulance a driver I think he said. So you had Billy Thompson along he would certainly be able to give you a great account of things out here as he did not miss much that was doing. What a pity that he had not a letter home to land back to is it not. How is Jack getting along I suppose it is only a matter of a month or two till he comes of age & he will be enlisting also. I see by the papers that Barry Hewat was killed in Action some time ago also that Bill Morrin had been wounded for the fifth or sixth time & that he had received the medal for Distinguished Service. What a spin he has had he is surely unlucky or extremely lucky. Fancy Eric getting away on the Marama I bet he is a changed young man now-a-days, I had a long letter from Jessie a short time ago & she said that Auntie was worrying a good deal. How are the rest of that family getting along doing big things I daresay. I have not had any parcels lately bar a tin of
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chocolate, which was very good, a day or two ago. When they do come I will have a whole bag for myself. It is a glorious morning this morning the hills close are getting quite a green appearance. I know this is not a very newsy letter but it cannot be helped perhaps when we shift again there will be some more & I believe it may not be very long ere the scene changes. Must stop now hoping this finds all in as good health & spirits as it leaves me.
Your Affect Brother