Charlie McIntyre – Letter 8


Dear Lottie

Just a few lines to let you know that I am still in the old camp & that the order of things have changed somewhat.  I wrote from Papawai last time I think but so as we only remained a week there we did not take any harm & had a good holiday as no more cases of measles reported our isolation order was removed & we came back here & took over horses.  This was or has proved to be a sore point in some places as it meant getting up an hour earlier in the morning & going on picket from half past six one night till half past six the next, three at a time four hours each during the night.  So far I have been on twice but got the first four hours in both cases.  The work is much more interesting than on foot but there is so much waste time during stables that it knocks the polish off somewhat.  One thing the days pass much more quickly and as we are only to have them six weeks it will seem no time.  It is a great game learning to ride & I can tell you we have some great sport that part is now also over.  It has been raining here all day but that does not make much difference to us as we have

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have to take the horses out for exercise but if it rains very heavy we are only out a little while.  Up until now the weather has been grand in fact there is more grass here than when we came up.  Now as Lin Foster is leaving here someday next week & is in all probability sailing from some of the southern ports it will very likely be Dunedin so if you keep a sharp look out the next few days you might drop across their movements & so see him.  I told him tonight that I would let you know & he is going to look out for you.  He is in great form & looking forward to getting away it was today they were to have gone but have been kept back for some reason.  My word what a budget from over the seas what a disappointment Ernie has had again he was quite looking forward to getting away to France wasn’t he. One thing he is having plenty of experience & see a great deal more every move.  Kate also is having a round trip & picking up what may be useful to her in the future.  She is evidentally not yet quite immune to sea sickness.  As I am writing this in a hurry as I am going to Wellington tomorrow night & have to make myself shine up a bit I will have to ring off.  Hoping this finds you as well as it leaves me.

Your Brother Charlie.

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