Somewhere in France
Sept. 30th 1918
Dear Mary
Just a short note to say I am over here now, we came across last Fri. and are to proceed to the front tomorrow I don’t know which unit I will attached to yet so I can’t give you my field adress yet; I understand that we are to be divided up and some of us are to join the entrenching Battalion for the time being, I suppose, until there are other vacancies for us. I will let you have my adress as soon as I can, but, G.P.O. Wellington will get me as any other, I think. The weather has been very boisterous last night, today, and it doesn’t look much better yet to night and it is just as cold as winter; I hope it improves some before we get to the trenches. Last night one of the Camp Huts was burnt down and the C. of E. Chaplain (Padre) was burned to death, the Hut was in use by the Dentist and the Padre was the only individual who slept in it. Mr. Horner (late of Wyndham) is the Y.M.C.A.’s secretary here. Your affect. Bro.
[written at top of page]
Etaples pronounces = Etaps.