Rest Camp, Somewhere in France
Oct. 4th 1918
Dear Mary
We have now been attached to our various units, some 24 of us including myself have been put into No. 3. Field Ambulance which has been withdrawn from the lines for the time being in order to give them a bit of a rest as they have had a bit of a smacking up recently; there are three N.Z. Field Ambulances in the Field at the present time. I have been fortunate to strike this one as it may be a while yet before we go up to the lines of course, it may not be very long it will depend a good deal on how the fighting is going on I suppose. My adress will be;- No. 3 Field Ambulance, N.Z.E Forces, France. This adress should find me quicker than any other though G.P.O. Wellington will always get me. I have met Jim Thompson here he is in No. 3. also, he says he has had some pretty rough experiences during the recent big battles, however, he is looking very well indeed, as well as I have ever seen him
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look, he told me that both Willie Pollock and Albert Cartwright have been killed recently and not very far from here, this camp is nearly 20 miles from the present front line and it is purely a rest camp. I saw Geordie Pow both yesterday and today, he came over here to receive Dental treatment he is about 6 miles behind the lines at present, he says he has had quite enough of war now to do him, he tells me that Jim has gone back to N.Z. but not for good as he expects to be back again in a few months time. I wouldn’t have know Geordie at all, he is very tall, he seemed to know me alright though. I have seen a good deal of the havoc wrought by the Germans heavy Guns, one could hardly credit it unless they saw it with their own eyes, the whole country around here is dotted with shell holes and there is not a sound building left in any of the Villages I have been though which have been within the fighting area. The nights are getting very cold over here now I guess it will be a real snorter in two or three months time. Well, I will have to stop now so good bye for the present. Your affect. Bro
J. Hall