John Hall – Letter 26

Paddington Military Hospital
Harrow Road W. 9.
Dec. 10th 18

Dear Mary

You will see that I am back in Blighty again I was sent accross a week ago to day from the Hosp. in France I didn’t think I would be so long in Hosp. but the Measles and Pleurisy has left me with a slight Bronchial Catarrh, I was also pretty much run down in condition and strength but I have pretty well recovered that again it take longer to get better than one would think sometimes. This place had just recently been converted into an Hosp. it had been used as

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an Infirmary previously; it is situated in a rather quiet part of the City.  There are several other N.Z.’s in here besides myself also a number of repatriated prisoners of war from Switzerland are in some of the other Wards.  It is pretty certain that I wont be going back again to France the Division has gone to the Rhine.  The fartherest that I got towards Germany was to a Village called Solesmes, which lies east or south east from Cambrai.  The C.C.S. (Casualty Clearing Station) Hosp. which I was in was close to Bapaume, I was also in Hosp. at the base (Etaples) for a few days prior to coming over here.  I expect to be sent from here to Hornchurch where there is a N.Z. base camp I a expecting to get a fortnights leave from there when I am

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discharged from Hosp.  I am hoping very much to get this before Christmas so that I can spend it at Whitley Bay Christmas is only two weeks from tomorrow so it wont take long to come round.  I will write again about that time and let you know if I have leave for exmas or not.  I hear some say that those in Hospitals in England at present will be sent home first and they expect it will pretty soon.  I see that the N.Z. Military Authorities are going to try and discharge those who want theirs in England shortly after demobilisation commences so that may be early in Feb.  I am getting the local Bank. N.S.W. to Cable for money to take me home, it is going to take a fair bit too

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I have already made enquiry from Cook’s Tourist Bureau as to Fares which comes to over £40.  You could adress my letter after you get this one to c/o Uncle Willie it may be too late to get me but he could forward or return it, if I go through Canada I may possibly stay in that country for the summer there if I could strike a suitable job.  I am telling you all this so as you will have some idea where to write to if I am discharged here I will send you a cable to that effect and you can write to me c/o G.P.O Vancouver but, put your adress on outside of envelope (Glenham, Southland, N.Z.) and I can send to G.P.O. from wherever I may be as they will wont to know where the letters are from. You dont

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need to adress any more letters to me with my No. and rank unless I dont get my discharge.  I received the two tins containing lollies, camphor, and soap last night, I dont know when you posted them I wish you had put the dates on all parcels so I would know how long they took to come over I was very glad to have the lollies they came at a good time.  I think I asked you to send some peppermints & Blackballs but you wouldn’t get that letter until some time after you sent these.  I think they are going to allow more sweets and such like to be made again from now on in England.  Fruit is a fearful price over here Apples are to be fixed at 9d per lb. retail from Mon. next although the prices are high I am going to have some when I get the chance

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I had a great craving for some fruit when I had the measles as I had lost my appetite completly for a time, for ordinary food.  This is a very comfortable place and the food is pretty good especially the dinners.  Electric cars run close bu here they are double deckers and the first I have seen in London as there are none in the busy part of the City; these run right up to mid-night or later and start again at 5 in the morning.  well, I dont think I have anything more to write about just now so will finish hoping you are all keeping well.  You might give some of my clothes a look over and put some Camphar among them if you haven’t done so already love to all from Your Affect Bro. John Hall

[The following is written at the top of page 1]

Have lost count of my letters to you so I won’t bother to put No. on any more. J.H.

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