John Hall – Letter 30

April. 2nd. 1919

Dear Mary

I am just writing you a few lines this time, have received all your letters up to & including No. 20. also the three small tins of lollies, sugar, tea & etc. & also the tin of snaps, thank you very much for all of these it is rather a pity that you sent them since I am now in England but of course you wouldn’t know that when you sent them away.  This camp is closing down about the 14th of this month & I expect to be getting out on leave after the polling takes place on 10th that is, for the referendum

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on the Liquor traffic in N.Z. of course, I will have to make arrangements re my passage ticket, passports, & etc when I go in to London & before I go North on leave so, I cant give you any more particulars as to my future movements until I get that fixed up.  I should have some decent weather for my next trip to Scotland.  It is a miserably long winter in this country & shouldn’t care to live here, the nice sunny spring weather is only commencing now but the nights are still very keen & frosty and this month corresponds with

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Oct. in N.Z. but, of course we are considerably further away from the Equator here, than you are in N.Z.  I think the “Bay of Biscay” is about directly opposite New Zealand.  Things are getting pretty quiet in this camp now as there are very few men left & there seems to be a good many boats getting away back with troops too, of course both, Codford & Sling camps are pretty full yet besides a lot still in France or German.  Well I dont I will write any more just now, but will tell you later how I get on am sending Alex some papers, hoping you are all well as I am at present

Your. affect. brother
J. Hall

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