Reserve section
N. Z. M. C Awapuni Military Camp
Nov 6th 1917
Dear Mary
I received that dreadful Telegram early this afternoon and I am in an awful puzzle to know what had happened to Bob; surely he met with some accident, for he mentioned in his letter that they were all well then the letter was dated Sept 13th of course alot could have happened since then, but it would take some little time to get the news forwarded from Burketown so it would be some time ago now since he met with his death. Truely we are living in a time of ‘sorrow’ and ‘affliction’ but, we must not be down hearted, it is a sin to worry: Poor Kate will be in a bad way though I hope to hear the particulars soon Thank Violet for her nice letter; I will write to her later.
Your Affectionate Brother Jack Hall