Dear May,
I think last time I wrote I was in Hosp with mumps, well I missed my boat & am out again now & as there is no chance of getting away for about 3 weeks I am going out tomorrow on a fortnights sick leave, & expect to have a pretty busy fortnight, as I want to pay farewell visits to Porthill & Bournemouth & am going to squeeze in a few days in Scotland. Ernie, Billy & Bert McMullen are all here & we had our photo taken today. The three of them were out on leave at Porthill since I was there & Bert only came back yesterday so they have had a pretty busy time with us so I don’t intend to stay there for the full fortnight. I had a letter from Elsie today & she tells me her father has had a return of the pneumonia, he was pretty bad with it a few months ago, so I am
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going straight through to Scotland & will call in & see how they are as I come back & if they’ve got their hands full I’ll go on to Bournemouth, I want to put in at least 3 or 4 days with the Hopkinses as I missed them before. I don’t know when or where I’ll write next – will probably have a few views of Bonnie Scotland to send but it is just possible that I’ll be home before them. Don’t think I told you that the money arrived at the Bank alright, I got notice a little while back & expect to scatter some of it during the next 2 weeks. I don’t think there is any special news this time. Mother’s letter of Jan 16th arrived a while back.
Tata just now
Love to all