Dear May,
After a good long spell in the trenches we have come out for a few days & are having a fairly easy time. It is all right to be able to get a chance of buying something different to our ordinary rations. Eggs & chips are the favourite dish, in fact it is hard to get anything else in the eating houses. Tomatoes are fairly plentiful at 1 franc (10d) a lb. They are just lovely. Ripe pears are are 2 frs & grapes 4 frs per lb. Spring onions & lettuce are also obtainable at
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times, so that we doing not so bad in the tucker line. For the last month or so the weather has been really good & seems to be properly settled. I hope it keeps up as it makes all the difference in the world to trench life. I don’t think there is any news this week, & as I have quite a lot of letters to answer I think I had better stop. Needless to say we are all well.
Love to all
P.S. According to orders our address now includes “B.E.F.” (British Expdy Force) so you can add those initials after the N.Z.E.F.
[Written at top of Page 2]
P.S. Am posting “Fragments of France this mail.