Len Shepard – Letter 57


Dear May,

I have just handed in the photos of our Coy. that I mentioned in a previous letter.  I have addressed one each to mother & Rodie.  Arrangements are being made to send them all to N.Z. together & to distribute them there, so they should arrive soon after this letter.  They are not mounted but you will be able to get them fixed up at the “Mora”.  I think Major Hargest, Mark C & I are the only ones you know but there are quite a number from the Gore district.  Another N.Z. mail started

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to arrive today.  I got two letters dated March 20 but so far there is none from home.  I was never so far behind with my correspondence as I am now.  There seems to be nothing to write about, but I must make a big effort to get it all fixed up within the next few days, letter writing might be out of the question shortly.  We are all well at present & I don’t feel quite as miserable as I look in the photo.

Love from

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Letter 57 A L Shepard 17 05 1917 Page001Letter 57 A L Shepard 17 05 1917 Page002