Len Shepard – Letter 59

First leave in England

Dear May,

Am having a glorious time.  I don’t know what to tell you about first.  I spent a few days in London visited Tower of London, St Pauls, Westminster Abbey, Parliament Buildings & all the other famous places & have seen Piccadilly, Leister Sq.  The Marble Arch, Trafalgar Sq & Nelson monument.  Hyde Park, Cleopatra’s needle (brought from Egypt) the various bridges the Embankment & pretty well every other place I had ever heard of.  George Moffitt is over here for a commission & we spent most of the evenings together at one of the theatres.  After that I set for Hopes’, about a five hours run in the train, & there I have had the time of my life.  I meant to make a flying trip to Glasgow but

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but cut that out & stayed three days at Porthill & have had a gay old time.  If I ever get leave again I will spend most of it there.  It is just what a fellow needs after coming from the trenches.  They are real decent crowd & would have spoilt me completely if I had been there much longer.  I want you to send them a few p.c’s etc but will tell you about it later.  Of course that is where all the Doulton ware comes from & they took me all through the works & showed me everything from the rough clay to finished articles.  I left there just before midnight & have travelled all night to save time & am now back at the Soldiers’ Club in London waiting for breakfast time.  Today I go to Ch’ch to see the Hopkins’ & intend to stay there two days or so & have the best part of another day here before I go back to work.  More particulars later.  I want this to go with tomorrows mail.

Love From Len

[Written at the top of Page 2]

Posting today three parcels containing – 1 Book on Egypt 2 & 3 Guide books to the Tower & Hampton Court.  P.C. views to follow

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Letter 59 A L Shepard 05 06 1917 Page001Letter 59 A L Shepard 05 06 1917 Page002