Len Shepard – Letter 63


Dear May,

Since writing last I have seen Chil Hurley, Charlie Reid, Tom Hickey & Geo Clark & Templeton of Rdale.  They are all together but not in our Batt.  Edwin Hargest joined our Coy a few days ago & is looking well but slightly thinner than he was in N.Z.  Chil Hurley & T. Hickey have both put on a lot of beef.  They all tell me I am looking thinner than when I left but I am just about my normal N.Z. weight & I think I have put on

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a few lbs since I weighed myself in England.  Chris Millar has been back with the Coy for some time, his wounds consisted of a few scratches from flying shell splinters.  He says they bled a lot but there is no mark left & he is looking well.  A few days ago our Coy had its photo taken but I missed it as I was off parade that day.  Seven of us were detailed for guard but they only wanted six & I got off for being cleanest (having just retd from leave).  The rule is that the cleanest man is excused all parades while the guard is on so as there was a big inspection on I was glad to get out of it

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but if I had known the Coy was to be took I might have gone.  You might see the photos in the papers.  I have just seen by the paper that the “Mongolia” has been sunk with Australian mails aboard & I feel pretty well positive that all the things I posted in England would go with that mail.  I sent quite a number of small pcls but they would all go with the same mail I suppose as a mail was expected to go the day after I landed, & my lot would catch the next one.  It will be stiff luck if every thing has gone down.

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Last letter I had from England they had just heard from Ernie Blackwood and expect to have a visit from him this week.  He is getting 4 days leave from camp before leaving for France.  I expect he will be joining up in about 3 weeks time.  Things here now are pretty quiet.  Have been back with the Coy for a fortnight & have been toiling around the Messines Ridge but they are giving us a pretty easy time now.  Have had no N.Z. mail for some time now.  I think one must have gone down.  Am also still waiting to receive my photos from London.  If they are any good I hope you get yours alright.

Love to All

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P.S.  I don’t know whether I should make this a P.S. or a fresh letter as it is 10 days since I wrote the first part.  Since then we have had things pretty easy for a few days but are back to our old job again.  I don’t think there is anything fresh to report.  I got a letter from you a week ago but I don’t think there were any questions to answer.  I also got one from Mrs Bagrie

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& must write to her soon.  She didn’t mention getting Albert’s camera that I posted but it would hardly have time to get through.  I hope they received it alright.  As far as I know all the district boys are well.  I saw Mark Farrington & Ted Biggar this week but I believe Mark has since gone on leave to England.  You might give my kindest regards to all in the tearooms, sorry

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I am not there to deliver them personally.  The “tall fair pretty girl” is probably Gladys Russell.  I can’t quite place the Miss Thompson in McGruers to whom you mentioned, but you needn’t tell her so.  She was not there when I left but I suppose I know her.

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