Dear May,
I am still in the same place & as I haven’t been outside of the door there is not much for me to write about. I hope you are not worrying about my hospital experiences, as a matter of fact it’s the safest place I’ve been in for years & my condition is such that you need have absolutely no anxiety. I hope the Dept. is not worrying you with cables every time I move. Well I am doing “tres bon” here. We are enjoying remarkably fine weather at present – quite a contrast to what we had to put up with this time last year. It is a great blessing to the poor beggars up the line as the trenches can’t be particularly comfy in the sectors where we have pushed. Of course there is time yet for cold spell but
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it is getting round towards Spring & the sun is getting a bit of heat in it. Since writing last I have received no letters so don’t know how things are doing in the outside world. There is an N.Z. mail due now but they don’t always arrive up to date. So far there is no sign of Rodie’s parcel. Perhaps it has found its way up to the Coy. & become “buckshee” for what is left of the platoon but if that is the case they will let me know. Have just seen an Auckland Weekly of Nov. 1st with several big lists of casualties, also views of the Dannevirke fire. It is pretty hard to get N.Z. papers once we leave the Battn. Hope you are all keeping well, will write again when the mail comes in & might have more news.
Love to All