Len Shepard – Letter 81


25 Gen Hosp

Dear May,

I have sent, in a separate envelope, a few p.c’s of this show.  I have put a small X on the back of one of them to mark Victoria annex the building I spent about five weeks in.  You can also see it in one of the other views.  You will notice a land yacht in one of them.  This used to be a great sport here.  They race them up & down the beach for miles.

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I haven’t seen the Chateau yet but will try & have a look at it before I leave.  The Boulogne view evidently represents some old legend but I don’t quite compree it yet.  I am glad you got the ring & p.c’s posted about July last.  By now you should have several lots, sent from No 10 C.C.  The parcel of cake etc. arrived just two days after your letter but of course the letter had been very much delayed.  Everything was in good order & very welcome.  The sugar comes in very handy as the issue is a bit light now-a-days.  10 Con Camp  12.3.18  I got this far with my letter

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at the Hosp. & then got my walking ticket & have been shifting about ever since.  I am now settled down again at 10 C.C. & with ordinary luck I’ll be here for a month.  I feel tres bon as long as I don’t do any work, but am troubled a bit with the tired feeling.  The Dr. says it will be several months before I get properly clear of the trench fever, & it is quite likely that it will show itself again in a week or two.  So if you hear that I am back in dock you will know what the trouble is.  While we are in Con. Camp it doesn’t take much to get us back to Hospital again.

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We are having marvelous weather just now.  Quite mild & warm & as we started summer time yesterday we get an extra hour of daylight after tea.  Crocuses etc have been in full bloom for a week or more & they had bunches of narcissi & wattle blossom down at the Hospital in Feb.  You wouldn’t believe it was the same country as we spent last winter in.  On my way here I spent 4 days at No 1 C.C. & met Dick Hume there, he was wounded in the thigh but it is just about healed up now & I think he will be up the line again in a week or two.  He is looking real well.  Billy H. was wounded in the shoulder

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in Dec but has been up the line again sometime.  Dick says Whistler got a smack too.  Rather strange that we should all land in Hosp so soon after I cabled.  Bob McKay joined up just after I left.  I think Dick said he is in 2nd Otago.  I think this is all.  Enclosing few stamps.

Love from

P.S. I notice Lt Proctor is still here.   OVER

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The brown 2 cent Canadian stamp is a special war issue.  I understand the ITC on it means “1 cent Tax”.  I suppose the 2d Postage Due on the Australian envelope is a British stamp.

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