Len Shepard – Letter 90


Dear May,

Am not sure when I wrote last but I think the time is about up again.  I have left the base & am up the line but have not yet joined my Batt.  Last Sunday I went over to see them but there are very few there now that I know.  I met Bob Fraser for the first time & had a yarn to him also Helm Hume.  Billy Hume is with the 10th Coy & is looking well.  Bob McKay is going strong but as his crowd were in the trenches I didn’t see him.  Mark has been here for a week or two but moved out

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to another camp yesterday.  I don’t think I told you that Bill Massey & Joey were here last week.  They got a very mixed reception but everyone was so anxious to hear what they had to say that there wasn’t a great deal of interruption.  One of our planes flying overhead opened out with its machine gun (a common way of signaling) & old Bill nearly jumped off his perch.  Of course everybody laughed & he was bombarded with interjections.  “Got the wind-up, Bill?”  “Where’s your tin hat?”  “Carry on Bill you

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might get a V.C. out of it.”  When things quietened a bit he tried to retrieve his reputation by saying that he went to bed the other night & slept right through an airraid, but someone spoilt the argument by asking “how much it cost to get like that.”  Altogether we had not a bad bit of entertainment but I don’t know if we are any better off for it.  I am still waiting for leave, as usual.  Yesterday I put in for leave either to Blighty or Paris.  The O.C. promised to do his best but he is only allowed a limited number of passes, & there are crowds of applicants.  There is a bit of N.Z. mail in today but so far I have drawn

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a blank.  About a fortnight ago I posted to you a tin of war souvenirs, coins etc, also a few illustrations from papers.  I hope they get a safe passage.  Hope to have more news when I get leave.

Love to all

Enclose a cutting re cakes, rather amusing isn’t it.  I can easily prove that is all rot, especially about soldering the tin.

[Written at the top of Page 1]

P.S.  This is a letter I wrote over a month ago & must have forgotten to post it.  I have just dug it up.

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